my stats..
age: 16
height: 5'2
HW: 120
CW: 120
GW: 105
UGW: 95

Friday 12 August 2011


i'm still a whale...
i didn't start the skinny girl diet today. instead, i ate a full pizza, a full british breakfast, and a galaxy. and yet i still complain about my weight? how can i even try and complain? grrr. i want to start tomorrow, but i'm going out for dinner. so honestly, i don't know what i'm going to do :( maybe i'll just try and begin to cut down, then on monday start the skinny girl diet for real. actually, thats what i'm going to do. i'll make a wee plan for tomorrow here the now, give me some motivation to do it!
 breakfast: fruit salad
       lunch: ham sandwich on brown bread, fruit salad
      dinner: italian buffet, so i'm not even going to try and guess what i'm going to eat.
     snacks: NADDDAAAA.
   exercise: i'm training from 10-4, with a wee lunch break, so thats sorted

i'll let you know how that goes, either way, i hope you's guys are doing better than me.
stay skinny bitchess :(

Thursday 11 August 2011


i'm not up for a long winded introduction right now, i'm annoyed and disgusted with myself, therefore i'll keep pretty snappy. i apologise in advance.

i'm kirsty, i'm 16.
i'm a whale.

tomorrow i start the skinny girl diet, as a kind of way to ease myself into the ABC diet i plan on doing. i aim to lose 10 pounds on it, which should hopefully be realistic since i'm eating a good 2000 calories a day at the moment, so restricting to even less than 1000 should result in a loss.

i'll update tomorrow, since to be honest i feel sick right now with how much i've ate and i don't want to think about it anymore. i'll think about it tomorrow when i stop being a heffer.

peace out, stay skinny.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

fuck the 115

I can't even explain it. I was done with this, with eating problems, with weight, with self loathing. I was done. I'd started living again. But of course, there was only so long I could live with being 115 at 5'2. It's not right and it never should be. I will not accept feeling uncomfortable and self concious anymore, I want a six pack, I want to be little and thin, not chunky. I'm small and chubby so they call me 'cute'. I don't want to be cute. Not anymore, I will lose 10 pounds, I will be thin, and I will have a good life.

no more chub.